Monday, August 29, 2011

[Story 03] Connecting Technologies, Disconnecting Humanity

Theme: An Item

With his precious earpieces on, and the player blasting music, he was lured subconsciously to the place where he would be loved.

It wasn’t easy being a child. Ask any kid on the streets, and they would tell you how much they have to study, and were told to stop asking questions and “go do your homework!” Sometimes, they don’t even have the time to play anymore. Even their future was planned out for them.

They were no longer children but little adults.

Terry was a child. He agreed that while it was difficult being one, please imagine his life as a child to two widely renowned engineers.

Normal parents were busy working during the day, but during the night, they spent time with their family. Although there were some cases that the routine was the opposite, or some oddball parents liked to bring their work home and continue the suffering at home.

Terry’s parents, Alfred and May, however, were busy working during the day and night and the hours beyond. Their schedule was full of designing new plans for new machines, setting up new databases, executing new programming, to even have any spare time to care about their own family. Terry wondered how they got together in the first place.

Alfred and May made poor parents, even though they were famous engineers. They thought that by giving what Terry wanted was the way to show love. They did not realize that Terry was a growing child that needed care, attention and some guidance.

Despite Terry receiving what he wanted, he was not the usual spoilt child. He appreciated his gifts, but they were merely things that he saw what his classmates received from their parents. He thought that by receiving similar presents from Alfred and May would give him that happiness that he witnessed on his classmates’ faces when they received theirs.

But no. Something was missing. The thought.

One day, Terry saw a nicely wrapped packet in the post bearing his name. Curious, since he did not requested for anything, he opened it up eagerly. It was an electric blue earpiece set with a music player. The player seemed to radiate a light of its own, promising to contain hours of entertainment and fun.

Terry put it on at once, admiring the stark contrast of the bright blue against his black hair, and how it brought out the colors of his pale blue eyes. He started the music and was instantly drowned in it.

“Alfred, have you seen Terry recently?” asked the concerned May.

“No.” Alfred replied shortly as he ruffled through the pile of letters on his desk.

“I’ll try contacting his classmates…”

“What’s this?!”

May turned to see Alfred scanning through a letter, face turning pale. Suppressing a feeling of dread, she hurried to her husband’s side and read
“To all Engineers,
Beware of suspicious articles that do not indicate who the sender is. Neighboring enemy countries have been coming up with control spells. Remember to seal your letter or parcels with your personal password.
– Xavier, Government’s Secret Services”

“Do you think…?” Alfred asked May hesitantly.

At that moment, Terry was wandering around on an unfamiliar street, eyes half-lidded, and fingers lovingly grasped the music player. He knew something was wrong, but he could not resist the lure of the music in his ears. The beats, they were bringing him to somewhere better. A place where he would be loved and with the very first real present that his parents gave him – the music player…

The music player with its electric blue earpieces…

“Terry, Stop! Come back!”

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