Tuesday, August 2, 2011

[Class Exercise] In that situation...

Putting the 2 characters in a situation-

It was lunch time at Lau Pa Sat and, as usual, it was very crowded and humid.
Andrea, who had ordered her food, was looking for an empty seat anxiously as she would be having a meeting with a client half an hour later. However, every seats seemed to be occupied and everyone was  enjoying their lunch slowly, which added to her mounting anxiousness.

Fayye had overslept that morning, waking up grumpily, she resolved never to stay up for any late night drama again. She had skipped her breakfast to spend that time to apply her makeup, thus, was very hungry. Especially after that lengthy meeting! 
She had a hard time keeping her stomach growls from being heard by gulping down the water provided and that did not help to keep her temper sweet. With her tray of food in her hands, she looked for an empty seat with a slight frown. Everyone was eating so-oooo slowly!


An empty space between two office workers!

Andrea and Fayye both walked hurriedly in the direction to the seat, heaving a slight sigh of relief...only to see a piece of tissue of the chair.

Andrea, upon seeing the tissue paper and sensing Fayye's presence, gave up with the thought of having her lunch there. She went back to the vendor and requested to have it packed. She would eat in her office's pantry instead if there was enough time, else she would have it after the meeting.

Fayye gave a glance at Andrea's retreating back and shrugged, happy at the thought of having not to waste time arguing. She ignored the stares of the office workers from the neighboring seats as she put her tray down firmly. 

Even when in doubt, act confident, and people will be less likely to interfere.

Fayye calmly used the tissue paper to wipe the seat and crumpled it up, depositing it at the edge of her tray. Normal conversations resumed around her while she set about to enjoy her meal.

Minutes later, the owner came back, speechless with the sight of someone sitting at the seat which she had obviously stated that it was taken with a piece of tissue. The owner, could not believe that anyone could be so thick-skinned, was at a loss with what to do next other than standing next to her seat. 

Fayye noticed someone standing next to her and glanced up. Noticing Fayye's glance, the owner was about to speak her mind, but that expressionless face stole the words out of her mouth again. 

"Wait a little. I'm finishing."
With a final slurp of noodles, a dabbing of mouth with a clean tissue, Fayye stood up with her tray and left...

a piece of clean tissue on the table. 

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