Sunday, October 23, 2011

[Class Exercise] Mind Your Language

Character Unique Voice/Trait/Behavior Stereotype / Unique Personality
Ms Dolores Courtney (England) Quite sensitive about being called 'Mrs'; feminist Unique
Jeremy Brown (England)
Giovanni Capello (Italy) Italian accent; Pasta~ Stereotype
Anna Schmidt (German) Efficiency Stereotype
Chung Su-Lee (China) Mixes up her "R'" and "L"; quotes Mao Stereotype
Tarou Nagazumi (Japan) Adds a 'to' to end of speech; Electronics; bows before speaking Stereotype
Jamila Ranjha (India) Hand and head movements; talks/complains a lot; speaks no English Stereotype
Maximillian Andrea Achimedes Panpandrious (Greece) Heavy accent with a "H" to almost every word
Juan Cervantes (Spain) "Por favor"
Ranjeet Singh (India) "A thousand apologies"; hand and head movements; VS Ali's religion; threaten with kirpan when angered Stereotype
Danielle Favre (France) Charming Stereotype
Ali Nadeem (Pakistan) Literally misinterprets what people said; VS Ranjeet's religion; "Yes, please!" with a smile; "Oh, blimey" Unique


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