Sunday, August 14, 2011

[IMO] Rant Letter

Dear blog,

I was told a week ago to write a short story consisting of 300 to 500 words. The first thing that came to my mind was my secondary school compositions. And that had required more than a thousand words.

It had been easy to spill my guts and brain juice out on 2 pieces of foolscap paper. But that was 9 years ago.

Since then, all I have ever wrote were reports. Business reports. Reports on what is strategic human resource, what is leadership, how to train and retain employees. Those reports did wonders for my creativity.

Now, I'm in a storytelling and scriptwriting class, I guess I need to seek that tiny bit of creativity that has probably rusted somewhere in my brain and torture it mercilessly. And I realized that the difficult part is actually the 500 words limit.

Oops, what? What limit was that again?

Cheers and have a nice day,


  1. Is this some form of protest? XD j/k

    Anyway, just try your best not to exceed. I also failed to keep my first story within 500 words (608 total word count, the last time I checked).
    But still not as extreme as a few of my classmates, one of whom even went beyond 1k words.

    And have a nice day too, milady.

  2. YES IT IS! Lols.

    I'm still typing up my story... It seemed so secondary schoolish! Or even primary schoolish (knowing the crazy high standards of secondary school nowadays. Sick) Omg.

  3. Don't worry. Your little "protest" won't go unnoticed in the eyes of our lecturer. Haha.

    You shall be stuck in her radar due to this post. ^_^

  4. And change your time to GMT+8 leh. Or else I will believe it is still only Sunday in the morning.
