Monday, September 26, 2011

[Class Exercise] Writing Dialogues

[Group] Hilter the animator and his required equipments


HITLER sits down. He looks angry. His OFFICER enters.

                                   OFFICER : Is the paper quality alright?

                                   HITLER : Who bought those papers? I want them changed!

                                   OFFICER : (looks on)

                                   HITLER : It's not translucent!
                                                   It's cartridge!
                                                   How do you expect me to use this on the light-box?
                                                   I want to draw!
                                                   Prancing, jumping, pink unicorns! Get me the Fegelein brand!
                                                   FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!

x x x

[Individual] Never Forget The Basic Rule

HIROTA sits in her car, silently fuming. She glares at the surroundings, and sees a familiar figure walking with a skip in her steps. Hirota gets out of car and shouts.

HIROTA : OI MINAMI! (slams door shut)

MINAMI turns to see who called her. 

HIROTA : You Bitch!

Minami sighs when she realizes it is Hirota. Minami gives a "omgwtf, sianz" expression as Hirota approaches her.

HIROTA : Are you that jealous of me?

MINAMI : (gives a "i don't know what you are talking about" look)

HIROTA : You tried to get the Management to withdraw me?!

MINAMI : Hah, obviously. Someone like you don't deserve the title.

HIROTA : Oh yeah? So you think you are better?

MINAMI : Of course!

HIROTA : I have been in this industry longer than you, and you think a newb like you can win?

MINAMI : Haa, so what? You got more experience but you still forgot your basics? A true wrestler never leaves her hair long.

HIROTA : (in a steely voice) Mind your own business.

Minami rolls her eyes and turns to leave. Hirota grabs Minami's wrist in passing, causing Minami to step backwards a couple of steps.

MINAMI : Go cut your hair Noob (pushes Hirota)

HIROTA : You dare call me NOOB? I'll show you who's NOOB!

Hirota grabs hold of Minami's shoulders and push. Both of them start wrestling. A crowd gathers, and a couple of lookers elbow their ways to the front.

LOOKER #1 : Oh my god! Look! Isn't that Hirota? (Getting more excited) and Minami!

LOOKER #2 : Who?

LOOKER #1 : The top 2 female wrestlers!! Hey, hey, let's bet!

LOOKER #2 : $10 on the Yellow shirt!

LOOKER #1 : That's Minami! Ok, and I'll bet on Hirota! 

Hirota and Minami grappling. Hirota pushes Minami to the ground. Minami takes off her sling bag and starts hitting Hirota with it.


LOOKER #2 : Yay, I'm going to win the bet

LOOKER #1 : (Looks around frantically, as if for a referee) 

LOOKER #2 : Aww, I should have bet more

Hirota manages to snatch the bag from Minami and starts hitting her with it. Minami, fending blows, fell. Hirota takes the chance and starts to do the head lock. Minami struggles and grabs hold of Hirota's ponytail.

MINAMI : See! Noob! This is ... MY WIN! (pins Hirota to the ground and attempts head lock)

2 teenagers see the scene with shocked expression and hurry to separate them.

MINAMI : (panting) Told you so. The basic rule of female wrestlers.

HIROTA : (unable to retort)

LOOKER #1 and #2 wondering who is the real winner. Hirota leaves scene in a huff. 

LOOKER #1 : Bets cancelled...

MINAMI : Retards... (leaves scene)

**about the basic rule, it is pure fiction.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[Story 05] The Hare versus the Tortoise

Create a visual/audio story that's simple and suitable for animation. Write a story that has 2 key characters who share one motivation. Use present tense.

Both key characters can't get along/ hate each other
both must "journey" together to attain their goal

Keep it simple!


The Flighty Hare and the Calm Tortoise have a competition to see who will reach the end first, end up acknowledging each other’s speed.


Set up
The Hare boasting about her speed and escape from the Hawk, leering at the Tortoise about his speed.

It is night when the Hare wakes up, and see that there is a fire. She needs to warn their friends but the route is blocked by the fire. Just then the Tortoise arrives, and tells her that the shortcut is across the stream.
The Tortoise is slow in leading the way and the Hare cannot swim.

They helped each other and manage to reach the ending point. The wise crow investigates the scene and tells them what the fire really is.


“The Humans are here.”

“Pah, who cares about them, I can outrun them anytime.” The Hare exclaims proudly, “Why, the other day, I just escaped from the awful hawk!”

The other little animals express their admiration at that, for every successful escape means a longer life.

“It was merely luck. You only escaped because there was a hole nearby.” The Tortoise scoffs.

“So says the latecomer! Could it be that you are jealous of my speed?”

“Who is? You can barely last from here to the next clearing!”

The Hare and Tortoise continue bickering until the wise Crow stops them with a challenge to see who can reach the next clearing, get the marked flower and come back first. The Hare and Tortoise agree amidst the cheering of the other animals.


It is night when the Hare opens her eyes after her rest. To her horror, the Hare sees a bright reddish-orange light flickering a short distance away that could only means …

“Fire!” the Hare leaps to her feet, panicking.

“What?” The Tortoise asks calmly as he prods nearer to where the Hare is hopping up and down.

“Hah, you just reached? Anyway, there is a fire!”

The Tortoise squints in the direction where the Hare is pointing, “I guess we need to warn the others.”

“But the way back is blocked by the fire!”

“There is a shortcut. We just need to cross the stream a couple of steps away from here.”

“Lead the way!”

The Hare bounces off quickly; anxious to be the bearer of big news, turns her head, only to see the Tortoise prodding slowly along.

“Come on, I’ll try to carry you!” With some difficulty, the Tortoise climbed onto the Hare’s back and then they are off! Bursting with eagerness, the Hare manages to reach the stream-bank under the Tortoise’s directions in a relatively short time despite the extra weight.

“What now? I can’t swim!” The Hare wails in dismay.

“Climb onto my back now.” The Tortoise says, preparing to enter the stream.

“You can swim?”

“I’m a semi-aquatic Tortoise, and this is quite a calm shallow stream.”

With that assurance, the Hare climbs onto the top of the shell.

The Tortoise swims swiftly across the stream, much to the Hare’s surprise, and they reach the other side of the stream-bank where the little animals are waiting for their arrival.

“Hey, I see no flower!” Squirrel proclaims.

“There is a Fire!” Announces the Hare.

The little animals look in the direction of the Tortoise for confirmation, when he gives a small nod, panic starts to set in.

“Silence! I shall investigate this matter.” The Crow says before flying off.

In a few minutes, she is back on her usual branch, trying not to laugh, “It is a Campfire by the Humans.”

The animals heave sighs of relief, forgetting all about the competition. The Hare and Tortoise, embarrassed and remembering how swiftly the other party was hopping or swimming, decide to forget it too.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

[Story 04] The House Cat and Miss Birdbrain

Theme: A character that is preferably not human, suitable for children

A House Cat trying to free itself and the other pet bird, only to get pecked for its efforts.


Set up - a House Cat trying its daily attempts to get free, and set the new pet bird free too.

Confrontation - The bird is frightened when the House Cat managed to get up to its cage. Out of desperate fear, the bird pecked the cat's paw.

Resolution - The bird got free in the end, but the House Cat received nothing for the troubles other than an injured paw. 


The House Cat opened his eyes lazily as he heard the main door slammed shut, indicating the inferior beings had left the house for the day.

He would be free to roam around, trying to find a way out of this place. He longed for the great outside, with the warm sun gently bathing him with its rays, the breeze ruffling his fur, and the sweet smell of the soil. But he was trapped in here, with the inferior beings refusing to leave him alone in peace, molesting him with their dirty hands, feeding him with disgustingly tasteless dry bits while they enjoyed their feast.

Today, he would be free.

He leapt down from his hiding place, on top of a tall cupboard behind some rolls of paper. It was a little dusty, but it was better than being harassed. He set about his daily routine of checking all possible exits, first padding towards the biggest room where the main door was.


The House Cat cowered a little behind the door, ready to escape or surprise. Sensing no other movement and hearing no sounds, he peered around the corner, looking curiously at where he had sensed a living creature.

It was a new object, made of columns of iron bars, hanging from a hook near one of the tiny open windows. It was what the inferior beings called a ‘cage’.
“Who’s there?” a voice from the cage chirped fearfully.

The House Cat jumped onto the TV console, and peered up. “You’re worse off than me,” he purred sadly, “You’re trapped inside such a small cell where you have hardly any room to flap your wings. Your kind belongs to the sky, not here.”

“…Yes. But I was trapped due to a moment of carelessness.”

“I will set you free.” With that, the House Cat gathered all his strength to his hind legs and leapt towards the cage.

With the looming sight of an open mouth full of sharp teeth and outstretched claws, the bird flapped about and squeaked in panic. A paw managed to catch hold of the bottom of the cage.

“A cat! A cat! You’re going to eat me!” The bird wailed in despair.

“Such foolishness. As expected from a birdbrain.”

“Save me!” With that, the bird gathered her courage and fluttered down to the bottom of the cage and started pecking the paw.

“Stop that! You birdbrain! I’m setting you free!” the House Cat hissed.
The bird, never saying a word, continuing pecking for her dear life.
With a hiss of pain, the House Cat reached up desperately with another paw, blindly swiping the lock that is holding the cage closed, before dropping to the ground – elegantly of course.

“I’m free!” the bird sang as she flew out of the window.

“Good riddance.” The House Cat muttered, licking his injured paw. He went off to hide before the inferior beings come back and make a fuss.

He would definitely escape tomorrow when he is feeling better.